FLORAM receives Impact Factor

We are pleased to announce that FLORAM has received its first impact factor rating in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

Now FLORAM has the highest impact factor among Brazilian Forest Sciences journals.

Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article

Propriedades físico-químicas de briquetes aglutinados com adesivo de silicato de sódio

Properties of charcoal briquettes agglutinated with sodium silicate adhesive

Pereira, Flavio Alves; Carneiro, Angelica de Cassia O.; Vital, Benedito Rocha; Lucia, Ricardo Marius D.; Junior, Wagner Patricio; Bianche, Juliana Jerásio

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Determinou-se as propriedades físico-químicas de briquetes produzidos a partir de finos de carvão vegetal de Eucalyptus sp aglutinados com adesivo de silicato de sódio. Utilizou-se três granulometrias de finos (20, 35 e 60 mesh) e cinco proporções do adesivo (15, 20, 25, 30 e 35%). Determinou-se a densidade aparente, análise química imediata e poder calorífico, segundo as normas ABNT/NBR 9165, 8112, 8633, respectivamente. Conclui-se que briquetes com granulometria de 20 mesh e 15% de adesivo apresentaram os maiores valores de poder calorífico e aqueles com granulometria de 60 mesh e 15% de adesivo, apresentaram os maiores percentuais de carbono fixo.


Briquetes; Carvão vegetal; Silicato de sódio


In this study, sodium silicate was used as the adhesive in the production of Eucalyptus sp. charcoal briquettes. Charcoal dust of three different granulometries (20, 35 and 60 mesh) was mixed with the glue in five different proportions sizes (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% of dry weight) and pressed to produce the briquettes. The following properties of the briquettes were determined: specific gravity, heat value, fixed carbon, volatile materials and ash content. The results indicated that briquettes produced with 20 mesh particles and 20% glue gave highest heat values. On the other hand, highest values for fixed carbon were obtained with a 60 mesh charcoal particles mixed with 15% sodium silicate.


Charcoal; Briquettes; Sodium silicate
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