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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of nature

Diversity and Structure of Natural Regeneration in Swamp Forests in Southeastern Brazil

Marly Antonielle Ávila; Nayara Mesquita Mota; Saimo Rebleth Souza; Rubens Manoel dos Santos; Yule Roberta Ferreira Nunes

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Abstract Many factors can influence the structures and distributions of plant communities. Plant diversity of swamp forests reflect responses to water stress conditions. We evaluated the floristic diversity, structure, and composition of the regenerating shrub-tree species of six swamp forests in veredas ecosystems (northern Minas Gerais, Brazil), and the floristic similarities between them. All individuals ≥ 1 cm in diameter at ground level and < 3 cm in diameter at breast height were sampled in one hundred 25 m2 plots in each area. A total of 5442 individuals were recorded, distributed among 134 species, 85 genera, and 47 botanical families, with a diversity (Shannon) of 3.38 and equability (Pielou) of 0.69. Beta diversity was high, while similarities between the areas were low, with only two species common to all six sites. The forests showed different compositions, diversities, and natural regeneration structures, reflecting their ecotone nature and past anthropic impacts.


Flooded Areas, Juveniles, Phytosociology, Succession, Vereda


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