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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Soil Seed Banks in a Forest Under Restoration and in a Reference Ecosystem in Southeastern Brazil

Kelly de Almeida Silva; Sebastião Venâncio Martins; Aurino Miranda Neto; Aldo Teixeira Lopes

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ABSTRACT: The current study aims to characterize the soil seed banks in a forest under restoration and in a seasonal semideciduous forest remnant, as well as to quantitatively and qualitatively compare them in order to evaluate the seed bank potential to influence the restoration process. In total, 60 samples of soil seed banks were collected in two adjacent forests (30 in a 2.18-ha forest undergoing restoration process based on the planting of seedlings belonging to different tree species, after the forest was subjected to bauxite mining activity; and 30 in a 5.30-ha preserved forest fragment). The soil seed bank of the forest undergoing restoration recorded higher density of emerged seedlings than that of the reference ecosystem. Although the shrub-tree species in the investigated forests lacked floristic similarity, the highly similar dispersal syndrome distribution and the successional category of shrub-tree species in them have indicated that both forests underwent ecological processes. Therefore, the restoration process implemented in the mined area has successfully recovered the soil seed bank after a few years.


Atlantic Forest, bioindicators, floristic similarity, forest restoration, mining


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