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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Wood Science and Technology

Comparison between Resistograph Analysis with Physical Properties of the Wood of Brazilian Native Tree Species

Carlos Eduardo Silveira da Silva; José Henrique Camargo Pace; Fernando José Borges Gomes; Paulo César Leal de Carvalho; Claudia de Azevedo Reis; João Vicente de Figueiredo Latorraca; Samir Gonçalves Rolim; Alexandre Monteiro de Carvalho

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ABSTRACT: There is just little information about the technological aspects of the wood of Brazilian native tree species, which limits their suitable use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistograph amplitudes of the wood from six native tree species in different wood density classes, and correlate them with their wood densities to demonstrate the efficiency of this nondestructive technique. The results of the resistograph analysis divided the species into three classes. Analyses of basic and bulk densities of their wood showed statistically significant differences among the evaluated samples that divided them into four classes. The comparison of resistograph method and observed densities showed only a slight difference among the density classes. Therefore, it was found in this study that resistograph analysis may be used for explaining wood properties as well as achieving satisfactory correlations with their actual values, especially the physical properties of species with high wood density.


nondestructive method, density, Brazilian species


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