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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Silvicultura

Resistance of Soil Organic Matter in “Humic A Horizons” of the Mountainous Region in the State of Rio De Janeiro

Ademir Fontana; Marcos Gervasio Pereira; Fabiano de Carvalho Balieiro; Cesar da Silva Chagas; Guilherme Kangussu Donagemma; Lucienne Silva de Oliveira

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ABSTRACT: Soils with high organic carbon content, such as those with “humic A horizon”, occur in different regions of Brazil. This study aimed to determine the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of organic matter regarding the humic A horizon under different land uses in Bom Jardim, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Samples from forest, pasture, Eucalyptus plantation, coffee cultivation, olericulture, and also passion fruit soils were sampled and analyzed. In October 2011, undisturbed samples from humic A horizons, were collected for soil density analysis. In addition, disturbed samples were collected for the determination of organic carbon (Corg) content, total carbon, humic substance fractions contents and natural abundance of 13Carbon (δ13C). Low Corg contents were observed in areas under olericulture, pasture and passion fruit cultivation. The fulvic acid fraction was higher than other fractions, regardless of land use. The small variability in δ13C indicated maintenance of original Corg and suggest high resistance of Soil Organic Matter in humic A horizons.


organic carbon, humic substances, isotopic composition


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