FLORAM receives Impact Factor

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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Effect of Localized Irrigation on Dendrometric Attributes of Eucalyptus Hybrids

Isabela Braga Belchior; Adriano da Silva Lopes; Allan Motta Couto; Vitor Gabriel Marinho de Faria Pereira; Carla Deisiane De Oliveira Costa do Val; Luis Marcelo Tavares de Carvalho

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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the influence of drip irrigation and micro-sprinkler on the dendrometric parameters of two Eucalyptus hybrids at 45 months. The experiment was carried out in Aquidauana, MS, using an experimental design of randomized blocks in split plot scheme. The dendrometric attributes of the trees evaluated were height, diameter at breast height, volume, shape factor, taper, and dry mass production. The Grancam hybrid has the highest growth in height, and the Urograndis has the largest diameter at breast height. Drip irrigation provides an increase of 36.7% in the wood volume of eucalyptus hybrids when compared to those that were not irrigated.


taper, form quotient, drip irrigation, micro-sprinkler, wood volume


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