FLORAM recebe Fator de Impacto

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Agora a FLORAM possui o maior fator de impacto entre os periódicos brasileiros de Ciências Florestais.

Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Short Communication Silvicultura

What is the Effect of Thiamine Hydrochloride on Rooting of Sapindaceae Stem Cuttings?

Thiago de Azevedo Amorim; Natan Luiz Coelho; Genise Vieira Somner

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ABSTRACT: Sapindaceae family presents notable richness of liana species in the Neotropics. Many of them are potentially ornamental, but still unexplored. Two Sapindaceae species were selected to test the efficiency of thiamine hydrochloride in plant propagation from stem cuttings. Thiamine hydrochloride has an unexplored potential for higher and better rooting of plant cuttings and it is a cheaper alternative to the traditional usage of phytohormones. Results showed no difference between treatment and control for all root variables evaluated in the two species studied. Seedling production from cuttings does not require application of thiamine hydrochloride in the concentration used to ensure rooting; only water irrigation is sufficient. However, further experiments involving different concentrations of thiamin hydrochloride should be conducted to detect whether different concentrations influence rooting.


vitamin B1, vegetative propagation, seedling production


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Atroch AL, Cravo MS, Santos JS. Enraizamento de estacas de clones de guaranazeiro tratados com ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB). Revista de Ciências Agrárias 2000; 47: 103-111.

Carvalho CM, Cunha RJP, Rodrigues JD. Enraizamento de estacas semilenhosas de lichieira utilizando ácido indolbutírico. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 2005; 27(1): 95-97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-29452005000100026.

Fachinello JC, Hoffmann A, Nacthigal JC. Propagação de plantas frutíferas. Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica; 2005. 221 p.

Rodrigues J, Lucchesi AA. Propagação vegetativa do guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana (Mart.) Ducke) através de estacas induzidas (capeadas) e com ácido indolilbutúrico. Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz 1987; 44(1): 1-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761987000100001.

Somner GV, Ferrucci MS. Sapindaceae. In: Stehmann JR, Forzza RC, Salino A, Sobral M, Costa DP, Kamino LHY, editors. Plantas da Floresta Atlântica. Rio de Janeiro: Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; 2009. 505 p.

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