FLORAM receives Impact Factor

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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Chemical Attributes and Carbon Fractions in Serra de Itabaiana National Park

Audenis Fagner de Jesus Nascimento; Tácio Oliveira da Silva; Renisson Neponuceno Araújo Filho; Victor Casimiro Piscoya; Moacyr Cunha Filho; Alceu Pedrotti

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Abstract: This study aimed to assess soil chemical attributes, organic matter fractions and carbon stocks of forest in three different regeneration stages in the Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe. The study was conducted in three areas: open white sands, intermediate white sands, and closed white sands, with a history of differentiated degradation. Soil samples were collected at 0-20 cm depth for chemical characterization and for fractionation of soil organic matter and C stock. The open white sands obtained the best results regarding levels of macronutrients, total organic carbon, and total soil nitrogen, as well as higher carbon/nitrogen ratio compared with intermediate white sands and closed white sands, with such effects being attributed to recent exposure to fire. Carbon concentrations in humic fractions of organic matter were little influenced by different vegetation in regeneration, except the carbon fraction of humic acid, which is more sensitive to different management and soil usage.


native vegetation, fertility, organic matter, sustainability


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