Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
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Certificação Florestal e o consumidor final: um estudo no pólo moveleiro de Ubá, MG

Forest certification and final consumer: a study in the furniture industrial park of Ubá, MG

Alves, Ricardo Ribeiro; Jacovine, Laércio Antonio G.; Pires, Vanessa Apda. V.; Cyrillo, Fabricia Souza; Albino, Andreia Apda.

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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a visão que o consumidor do Pólo Moveleiro de Ubá (MG), possui da certificação florestal. Foi utilizado um questionário aplicado aos consumidores que visitaram a sétima edição da feira do pólo. Cerca de 48% dos consumidores diziam saber o que era madeira certificada, mas a confundiam com madeira legalizada. Pouco mais de 40% disseram saber o que era certificação florestal, mas de fato poucos consumidores realmente reconheciam os selos FSC ou CERFLOR, ao serem mostrados. Conclui-se que os consumidores desconhecem a certificação florestal, embora tenham demonstrado preocupação com a sustentabilidade ambiental, que é a base da mesma.


Comportamento do consumidor, CERFLOR, FSC


The present work had the objective to evaluate the vision that the consumer of the Ubá furniture industrial park (MG), toward the forest certification. A questionnaire was applied to the consumer that had visited the seventh edition of the fair of the Ubá furniture industrial park. About 48% of the consumers said to know what was certificate wood, but they confused it with legalized wood. Little more than 40% said to know what it means forest certification, but few consumers recognized the stamps of FSC or CERFLOR, when showed. It is concluded that the consumers are unaware of the forest certification, even so have demonstrated concern with the environment sustainability, which is the support for the forest certification.


consumer behavior, CERFLOR, FSC
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