Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Drivers of Restoration Trajectory of a Community of Regenerant Plants: Natural Regeneration or Tree Seedling?

Emerson Viveiros, Bruno Santos Francisco, Alex Mauri Tello López, Fatima Conceição Márquez Piña-Rodrigues, José Mauro Santana da Silva

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Tree plantation is the most used technique for ecological restoration, although passive restoration requires a lower investment of resources. This research aimed to compare the composition and structure of the community of regenerant plants in areas under restoration through Assisted Natural Regeneration and mixed native Tree Planting, in the same area. We randomly placed 12 plots of 100 m2 each and sampled all the regenerating individuals found within them. We compared both restoration methods regarding growth pattern, dispersal syndromes, and successional groups. In both methodologies, trees and shrubs were the most abundant growth forms. The pioneer successional class was the most abundant in number of individuals for both treatments. We concluded that the two restoration methods allowed the regeneration of native species. We propose that Assisted Natural Regeneration is a viable restoration strategy, capable of boosting the initial processes of the community, especially in a matrix surrounded by remaining forests.


Seasonal forest; biodiversity; growth form; successional group; dispersal syndrome


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