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Original Article Conservation of Nature

Morphological and Physicochemical Properties of Termite Mounds in the Mixed Deciduous Forests of Thailand

Paiphan Paejaroen; Chetsada Phaenark; Supatra Chunchob; Weerachon Sawangproh

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In this study, we surveyed termites in Thailand and characterized the mounds they built in mixed deciduous forests. We analyzed soil samples from termite mounds for moisture, electrical conductivity, temperature, pH, and soil texture. Three species of wood-feeding termites were identified, including Globitermes sulphureus (47%), Microcerotermes crassus (32%), and M. distans (21%). The sizes of mounds were the largest for G. sulphureus, followed by M. crassus and M. distans. The characteristics of termite mounds were slightly acidic sandy-clay soils for G. sulphureus, slightly acidic sandy-clay-loam soils for M. crassus, and slightly basic sandy-clay soils for M. distans. The PCA revealed three groups of mound individuals without a clear separation of termite species. In future study, it is suggested to use more samples and other soil parameters such as clay minerals of different particle sizes.


Epigeal mound; granulometry; Isoptera; Termitinae


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