Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Nutrient Reduction in the Initial Growth of Caatinga Tree Species

Flavio Sarmento de Oliveira, Josinaldo Lopes Araújo Rocha, Jackson de Mesquita Alves, Leônidas Canuto dos Santos, Evandro Franklin de Mesquita

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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of nutrient omission on the growth and phytomass production of three tree species native to the Caatinga biome cultivated in degraded Chromic Luvisol samples, under greenhouse conditions. The experiments were conducted from april to june 2015. Three experiments were set up corresponding to three tree species [Myracrodruon urundeuva (Allemão), Caesalpinia ferrea (Mart. ex Tul.), and Amburana cearensis (AC Smith)], in a completely randomized design with eight treatments referring to the addition or not of nutrients to the soil and four replications. The results revealed that Fe and Zn supply was essential for the initial establishment of M. urundeuva and A. cearensis in Chromic Luvisols. For C. ferrea, which has a higher growth rate, fertilization with N, P, and S sources is necessary in addition to Fe and Zn in order to increase its establishment potential in these areas.


Deforestation; native species; recovery of degraded areas; nutritional deficiency


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