Environmental and Plant Variables Influence Dalbergia nigra (Fabaceae) Phenology - Implications for Seed Production
Jailton de Jesus Silva, Everton Luís Poelking, Grênivel Mota da Costa, Ligia Silveira Funch, Edson Ferreira Duarte
Studies of plant phenology in the Atlantic Forest can be enhanced by a greater understanding of the factors regulating vegetative and reproductive cycles. Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth. is endemic and vulnerable in the Atlantic Forest. We analyzed abiotic aspects and plant traits that modulate the phenologies of D. nigra by monitoring 135 individuals in four subpopulations from different remnant forests for 24 months. The growth and shapes of the plants, as well as environmental variables, were determined. Circular analysis evidenced phenological variations among subpopulations and evaluation periods. Multiple factor analysis evidenced that phenological variations are mainly correlated with precipitation, temperature, and tree height. The combination of environmental conditions and plant characteristics affect synchronicity and phenological intensity. Low fruiting intensity (less than 50%) limits seed production and recruitment. We emphasize the importance of forest remnants and the need to increase D. nigra populations in future reforestation projects.
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