Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Effects of Artificial Shading and Plant Density on Corymbia Citriodora Seedling Characteristics

Claiton Nardini, Jaqueline Sgarbossa, Axel Bruno Mariotto, Matheus Milani Pretto, Elvis Felipe Elli, Davi de Oliveira, Denise Schmidt, Braulio Otomar Caron

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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of colored shade mesh and plant density on the morphological characteristics of Corymbia citriodora seedlings. The highest radiation efficiency was found in the blue mesh, 7.01 g MJ-1 and 5.72 g MJ-1 for average and high density respectively. For dry matter and leaf area index at high density, the treatment without mesh followed by the red mesh was the best. The chlorophyll index did not differ between treatments, with mean values of 206.4, 59.1 and 262.0 for chlorophyll a, b and total, respectively. Using principal component analysis, we found the total variance to be 70%. The use of colored shade mesh and plant density altered the radiation use efficiency and dry matter accumulation. Leaf area index was affected only by plant density. The red mesh resulted in the most similar values to the treatment without mesh.


Leaf area index; air temperature; radiation use efficiency


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