FLORAM receives Impact Factor

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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Products Science and Tecnology

Supplying Sawmills with Native Species from Ecological Restoration in Southeastern Brazil: Analysis of Potential

Amanda Arantes Junqueira, Djeison Cesar Batista, Alexandre Miguel do Nascimento, Alexandre Monteiro de Carvalho

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The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of native species used in ecological restoration in Brazil (Peltophorum dubium - canafístula, Hymenaea courbaril - jatobá, Jacaranda cuspidifolia - jacarandá, and Enterolobium contortisiliquum - timboril) as raw material for the supply of sawmills. Due to the difficulties in sampling trees of native species, four trees per species were collected, at age of 12 years, in a legal reserve area. The sampled trees were evaluated as being quite characteristic of trees of the same genetic material. The trees’ diameter was measured, the percentage of bark and the taper were measured, and the lumber yield of each species was calculated. The boards were air-dried. Based on the DBH, timboril had the greatest potential for biomass production, but its wood quality was unsatisfactory. To supply raw material for sawmills, in addition to jatobá, we suggest investing in plantations of canafístula and jacarandá.


Legal Reserve; Atlantic Forest Species; Dendrometric characteristics; Sawmilling


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