Variation of the Electrical Resistivity of Peruvian Tropical Woods
Emer Ronald Rosales Solórzano, Saúl Juan Manrique-León, Roger Chambi-Legoas, Yuli Anabel Chavez-Juanito, Guido Raul Larico-Uchamaco, Alejandro Félix Taquire-Arroyo, Eliana Mullisaca-Contreras
This study investigated the electrical resistivity of 105 timber species from the Peruvian tropical forest; with a focus on promoting sustainable use by considering the wood’s equilibrium moisture content (EMC). Employing a non-destructive method, it correlated the wood’s physical properties with its electrical resistivity, uncovering an inverse exponential relationship between resistivity and EMC, with resistivity values ranging from 0.0244 x 109 Ωm to 26.0104 x 109 Ωm across different cutting directions (longitudinal, tangential, and radial). These findings allowed for the classification of the woods into five groups based on their moisture balance and electrical resistivity, from very high to very low. This classification aids in identifying the appropriate and sustainable use of these timber species in various applications, highlighting the study’s contribution to sustainable forest management.
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