Green Manure as an Alternative for Soil Recovery in a Bauxite Mining Environment in Southeast Brazil
Wesley da Silva Fonseca, Sebastião Venâncio Martins, Pedro Manuel Villa
The objective of this study was to evaluate plant cover and dry mass produced by green manures and their influence on the chemical attributes of soil for the ecological restoration of an area around bauxite mine environment in Southeast Brazil. Soil preparation, chemical fertilization and sowing of three species of green manures were carried out: Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea and Stylosanthes guianensis. In general, C. cajan and C. juncea showed the best performance in plant cover. C. cajan and S. guianensis produced more phytomass. Green manures were efficient to promote rapid plant cover and increase in soil organic matter and total-N contents in all treatments. Therefore, green manure is a viable alternative that contributes to the success of ecological restoration projects in areas in the bauxite mining environment.
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