Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Effects of Hydrogel Use in Cariniana pyriformis (Lecythidaceae) Seedlings Under Different Water Regimes

Ingrid Vanessa Ríos; Andrés Iván Prato; Andrés Felipe Castaño

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Abstract The effect of hydrogel (0, 3, 6, and 9 g per seedling) on the survival and growth of Cariniana pyriformis seedlings under different water regimes (absence of irrigation, 60% and 100% field capacity) in a sandy loam soil was assessed. The experiment was carried out in an agricultural nursery with drip irrigation, implementing a completely randomized block design in a split-plot scheme. After 20 weeks of evaluation in both treatments with irrigation, the maximum dose showed a slight increase (9%) in stem diameter and seedling height compared with the control treatment, although the aerial and root dry biomass did not show differences. For the treatment without irrigation, the survival had a linear response with increasing doses, from 24% (0 g per seedling) to 65% (9 g per seedling). C. pyriformis responds positively to hydrogel when a severe water deficit occurs.


Colombian mahogany, hydro retainer polymer, reforestation, water stress


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