Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Decomposed Babassu Biomass: New Substrate for the Production of Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don Seedlings

Henrique Simões Cavalcante; Pedro Victor Santos de Sousa; Raimundo José Nascimento dos Santos; Kleber Veras Cordeiro; Hosana Aguiar Freitas de Andrade; Nitalo André Farias Machado; Raissa Rachel Salustriano da Silva-Matos

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Abstract In Maranhão babassu forest, the decomposed babassu biomass (DBB) has been used empirically by several farmers for the production of Jacaranda mimosifolia seedlings. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of DBB as a substrate. The substrate compositions were S1: 100% soil (control); S2: 20% DBB; S3: 40% DBB; S4: 60% DBB; S5: 80% DBB and S6: 100% DBB. The experiment was carried out from October to December 2019 at Federal University of Maranhão, Chapadinha, Maranhão, Brazil. It was observed the use of DBB enhances the emergency speed index and germination percentage, besides resulted in the development of the aerial part and the root development. Thus, DBB may be used as an alternative substrate for the production of Jacaranda mimosifolia seedlings. It is recommended to include 40% babassu biomass with 60% soil in the composition of the substrate to improve the morphological development of Jacaranda mimosifolia seedlings.


Alternative Substrates, Attalea speciosa Mart, Seedling Quality, Sustainability


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