Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Controlled-release Fertilizer in Cordyline spectabilis Seedlings Production, a Potential Species of the Asparagaceae Family

Daniele Cristina Pereira de Matos; Francival Cardoso Felix; Mônica Moreno Gabira; Natália Saudade de Aguiar; Letícia Siqueira Walter; Alexandre Dal Forno Mastella; Dagma Kratz

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Abstract The success of seedlings establishment for commercial planting and forest restoration depends on the availability of nutrients during seedlings production. The objective was to evaluate the efficiency in controlled-release fertilizer use in Cordyline spectabilis seedlings production and what is the additional cost per seedling produced. Seedling production was performed with doses of 0.0 (control); 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10.0 and 12.5 kg m-³ of Basacote® Plus 9M (16-08-12) controlled-release fertilizer added to the substrate. The experiment was placed in a greenhouse and we evaluated morphological parameters to determine seedlings growth. The dose of 10.7 kg m-3 provided a greater number of leaves (11.4) and leaf length (24.9 cm), higher values of shoot (4.64 g), root (2.32 g) and shoot root ratio (1.99) were obtained above 10.7 kg m-3 fertilizer. We recommend the use of 10.7 kg m-3 controlled-release fertilizer for seedlings production with an increase of R$ 0.05 per seedling produced.


fertilization, forest species, morphological aspects, seedling growth, uvarana


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