Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Vegetative Propagation of Schizachyrium tenerum (Poaceae) Under Different Substrates and Environments

Letícia Sena; Thaise de O. Bahia; Geraldo Wilson Fernandes

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Abstract The Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) biome suffers intense degradation due to several anthropic activities and its recovery is extremely important for the restoration of environmental quality. Therefore, the present study tested the survival and growth of seedlings of the grass Schizachyrium tenerum produced by the division of clumps. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse using Reddish Oxisol, dystrophic of “cerrado sensu stricto” and Litholic Neosol dystrophic of quartzitic rupestrian grassland with and without the addition of limestone and NPK. Survival of S. tenerum was also compared between being grown in a greenhouse and directly in the field in full sun. Seedlings of S. tenerum had greater survival, total growth, number of tillers and accumulation of biomass when cultivated in Reddish Oxisol and Reddish Oxisol with limestone added than in the other treatments. Seedling survival was three times greater when grown in a greenhouse than in full sun.


Cerrado, grasses, seedlings, restoration ecology, rupestrian grassland


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