Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Short Communication Conservation of Nature

Comparing Data Collection Methods in Phenological Evaluations of Himatanthus drasticus

Marília Grazielly Mendes dos Santos; Lia d’; Afonsêca Pedreira de Miranda; Ligia Silveira Funch

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Abstract We present a case study focusing on collection methods and phenological data analyses. Qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative approaches were compared in terms of their efficiencies for describing flowering and fruiting intensities and phenophase synchrony in Himatanthus drasticus growing in a gallery forest in the Chapada Diamantina mountains, Brazil. Our results showed that phenophase intensity and synchrony were respectively each best. Determined using quantitative and qualitative methods We reinforce the importance of clearly defining research aims, as quantitative data collections require considerably greater field efforts than qualitative evaluations, especially concerning forest trees.


intensity, reproductive phenology, synchrony


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