Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Vegetative Propagation of Amazonian Indigenous Species for Restoration Practices Over a Riverscape Floodplain Disturbed by Silting

Rodrigo Weber Felix; Kayza Freitas Pereira; Maria Silvina Bevilacqua; Daniel Basílio Zandonadi; Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli; Marcos Paulo Figueiredo-Barros

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Abstract The use of native species’ stem cuttings in riparian forests disturbed by silting could be a promising low-tech alternative for restoration practitioners in riverscape rehabilitation. In this study, we evaluated the vegetative propagation of Amazonian native plants (Buchenavia parviflora, Euterpe oleracea, Ficus insipida and Socratea exorrhiza) with the addition of a bio-fertilizer, and humic and fulvic acids in soil disturbed by human-induced silting. We found that F. insipida and B. parviflora were able to grow and showed high survival percentage with the development of leaves, buds, and roots; even in nutrient deficient and clayey soils. We also found that the frequency of application and the concentration of the organic additives did not show significant influence on plants’ development. Thus, advance in situ tests with both species could be an interesting step to contribute to riverine ecosystems restoration practices.


Cuttings, biofertilizer, low-tech, aggradation, riparian forest


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