FLORAM receives Impact Factor

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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Microbiological Attributes of Soil Under Spontaneous Restoration

Danielle Grazziotti; Paulo Grazziotti; Carla Ragonezi; Alexandre Silva; Israel Pereira; Enilson Silva

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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vegetation on soil microbial activity during spontaneous restoration and the effect of remaining eucalypts on the restoration stage of reserve ranges installed in eucalypt plantations. The studied areas were in the following stages: initial restoration stage with and without remaining eucalypts; advanced restoration stage with and without remaining eucalypts. Areas of Cerrado, native forest and commercial eucalypt plantation (Eucalypts) were evaluated for reference. Principal component analysis detected the following groups: 1- Cerrado and areas in initial restoration stage with or without eucalypts and areas in advanced restoration stage without eucalypts; 2- areas in advanced restoration stage with eucalypts; 3- native forest; 4- Eucalypts. The restoration areas are at intermediate stage of recovery, slightly superior to the advanced stage. Basal respiration, organic and microbial soil carbon and microbial and metabolic quotients were more similar to those observed in Cerrado than in eucalypt cultivation areas and little influence of the remaining eucalypts plants was observed.


reclamation degraded areas, evaluation of soil quality, revegetation


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