Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Technologies for Jatoba Seedling Formation

Edilson Costa; Karina Garcia Lopes; Flávio Ferreira da Silva Binotti; Eliana Duarte Cardoso Binotti; Cleiton Dalastra

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ABSTRACT: This research evaluated protected environment and substrates for jatoba seedling. Two protected environments were used: (i) black shading screen on the sides and roof; and, (ii) black shading screen on the sides and thermal-reflective aluminized screen on the roof. In each environment the following substrates formulated with cattle manure (M) and vermiculite (V) were tested: 100% M; 90% M + 10% V; 80% M + 20% V; 70% M + 30% V; 60% M +40% V; 50% M + 50% V; 40% M +60% V; 30% M + 70% V; 20% M + 80% V; 10% M + 90%V. The environment protected with black shading screen was more favorable for the formation of jatoba seedlings, resulting in seedlings with higher shoot height and root collar diameter and, therefore, higher quality. Recommendation is to use substrates containing up to 30% of cattle manure to produce high quality jatoba seedlings.


Hymenaea courbaril , substrates, protected environments


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