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Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Wood Science and Technology

Water Flow Through the Pits in Eucalyptus urophylla Wood

Thiago Campos Monteiro; José Tarcísio Lima

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Abstract: This research aimed to evaluate the relationship between Vessel-Ray Pits (VRP) and Intervessel Pits (IVP) and water flows in the different axes of Eucalyptus urophylla wood. Samples of E. urophylla wood were used to correlate the VRP and IVP dimensions with free, adsorbed and total water flow rates. Correlations were conducted for the three axes of the wood. Results indicated that overall, it could be observed that the greater VRP and IVP in the axial axis of wood increased free water and absorbed water flows. On the one hand, the greater VRP in the radial and tangential directions reduced the free water flow and increased the absorbed water flow. On the other hand, the greater IVP in the radial and tangential directions of the wood accelerated the free water outlet and reduced the absorbed water flow. The VRP and IVP of E. urophylla wood influenced water flow according to its physical state and wood axis.


free water, adsorbed water, drying, Vessel-Ray Pit (VRP), Intervessel Pit (IVP)


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