Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Flora and Vegetation in Different Physiognomies of a Mussununga in Southeastern Brazil

Elisa Silva Candido; Marilia Beatriz Castro Ramos; Rafael Martins; Maria Cristina Teixeira Braga Messias

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ABSTRACT: Mussununga is an understudied ecosystem within the Atlantic Forest domain, in sandy spodosol lowlands from Bahia to Espírito Santo. Its physiognomy varies from grassland to forest, with a transitional savannic area. We evaluated the life-form spectra differences between the grassland and savanna Mussunungas and its relationship with the depth of a soil impermeable layer (ortstein). The study area is located in the municipality of Linhares, Espírito Santo State. Ten plots were settled in each physiognomy. The floristic and vegetation spectra (accordingly to Raunkiaer) were compared using the G-test. A total of 35 species into three life-forms were found: Phanerophytes, hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes. The floristic spectra were similar in both physiognomies, with a greater richness of phanerophytes. However, the vegetation spectra of the two areas were different. Phanerophytes dominated in the savannas (where ortstein is deeper), while the shallower ortstein of the grasslands favored hemicryptophytes.


biological spectra, flooding areas, life-forms, plant-soil relationship, tropical forests


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