Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Wood Science and Technology

Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Astronium Lecointei and Manilkara Huberi Branch Wood

Anselmo Corrêa Araujo Junior; Bruno Monteiro Balboni; Victor Moutinho

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Abstract: Forest harvest residues are usable; however, studies on their quality are incipient. Thus, our study sought to perform physico-mechanical characterization of wood from the branches of Astronium lecointei and Manilkara huberi, as well as to compare its properties with trunk material found in the literature. The material was collected in the Tapajós National Forest (Flona - Tapajós) and cut for the trials performed at the Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (Ufopa). Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis and the averages were compared with values found in the literature for the trunk of the studied species and other commercial wood of the region. The physical properties of Astronium lecointei and Manilkara huberi showed approximate averages to those of trunk, while the mechanical properties presented lower averages. Therefore, regarding the mechanical properties, the residues may be substituents for the trunks of other species for having similar properties.


residues, alternative utilization, technological properties


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