Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Development of Mathematical Programming Model for Cable Logging System Location

Alynne Rudek; Eduardo da Silva Lopes; Julio Eduardo Arce; Paulo Costa de Oliveira Filho

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ABSTRACT: Defining the optimum points for installing of a cable logging system is a problem faced by forestry planners. This study evaluated the application of a mathematical programming model for optimal location of cable logging in wood extraction. The study was conducted in a forestry company located in Parana State, Brazil. We collected data during timber harvesting and developed mathematical models to define the optimal location of the cable logging considering the variables “cycle time” and “extraction distance”. The variable “cycle time” affected the definition of the optimal location of equipment resulted in a reduced number of installation points with the largest coverage area. The variable “distance extraction” negatively influenced the location, with an increased number of installation points with smaller coverage. The developed model was efficient, but needs to be improved in order to ensure greater accuracy in wood extraction over long distances.


forest extraction, productivity, planning, optimization


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