Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Prediction System for Diameter Distribution and Wood Production of Eucalyptus

Rodrigo Miranda; Luan Fiorentin; Sylvio Péllico Netto; Ronie Juvanhol; Ana Dalla Corte

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ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to propose a prediction system to estimate the diameter distribution and wood production in unthinned eucalyptus clone plantations. Data was obtained from permanent sample units, with ages from 28 to 78 months. The Weibull distribution was used to estimate the frequency of the number of trees per diameter class. Models were used to relate the Weibull distribution coefficients with forest stand attributes. The forest stand variables most correlated with the Weibull distribution parameters were the minimum, medium, maximum and quadratic diameters and the dominant height. The projected frequency of tree numbers and the production by diameter class obtained by the system of equations did not differ statistically from the observed values evaluated by the t-test at 95% probability.


Weibull distribution, parameter prediction method, Eucalyptus sp


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