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Original Article Forest Management

Selective Logging Detection in the Brazilian Amazon

Olívia Bueno da Costa; Eraldo Aparecido Trondoli Matricardi; Marcos Antonio Pedlowski; Eder Pereira Miguel; Ricardo de Oliveira Gaspar

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ABSTRACT: Selective logging activities are commonly observed in the Brazilian Amazon and are responsible for high forest impact. In this study, selective logging detection techniques and the spatiotemporal extension of forests impacted by logging activities between 2003 and 2014 in portions of the states of Mato Grosso, Pará, and Rondônia were assessed using remotely sensing data. Based on results obtained, it was estimated that the overall accuracies are greater than 91% for techniques applied to detect forests impacted by selective logging in the study areas. Forests impacted by selective logging increased in Western state of Mato Grosso and Northern state of Rondônia, which indicates a stage high forest activity in these regions. In contrast, in Eastern state of Pará, a decrease in forests impacted by logging activities was observed, which indicates collapsed stage of logging activities resulting from deforestation and predatory logging in that region.


Legal Amazon, geoprocessing and forest degradation


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