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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Litterfall Deposition and Decomposition in an Atlantic Forest in Southern Goiás

Suéllen do Vale Costa; Marcos Antônio Pesquero; Márcio Henrique Moraes Junqueira

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ABSTRACT: Brazilian biomes have been severely threatened and their conservation depends on the knowledge of intrinsic ecological processes and correct phytophysiognomy identification of legal protection purposes. Litterfall deposition and decomposition patterns associated with taxonomic composition, climate, soil and relief can be considered important tools for vegetation typology. This study contributes to classifying the Natural Park of Morrinhos ( Parque Natural de Morrinhos - PNM), a forest fragment in the southern region of Goiás, using litterfall deposition and decomposition rates. The results show intense litterfall deposition at the end of the dry period and rapid decomposition in the rainy season (62%), requiring 494 days for total decomposition. The rapid litterfall decomposition rate (k = 1.42 year -1), cumulative annual deposition of 6.43 Mg ha-1 and the taxonomic composition of the vegetation contribute to the classification of PNM as a Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest.


vegetation typology, Semi-deciduous Seasonal Forest, nutrient cycling


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