Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Regional Concentration of The Gross Production Value of Firewood in Paraíba

Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior; Mariana de Castro Burgos; Edvaldo Pereira Santos Júnior; Pablo Aurélio Lacerda de Almeida Pinto

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ABSTRACT: This study analyzed the regional concentration of the gross production value (GPV) of firewood in Paraíba from 1994 to 2014. It measured the concentration by means of the Concentration Ratio [CR(k)] of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), Theil’s Entropy (E), the Hall-Tindelman Index (HTI), and the Gini Index (G). From the analyses performed, it was concluded that there was growth in the GPV of firewood in Paraíba from R$ 2.59 million to R$ 10.39 million (in current terms). The CR(4) and CR(8) of the municipalities indicated low concentration; the CR(4) in the microregions presented a moderately low concentration, and the CR(8) had moderately high concentration. The HHI of the municipalities and microregions has a competitive market, and the HHI of the mesoregions has moderate concentration; E corroborated the evidence of HHI; HTI presented low regional concentration; G showed medium to strong inequality for mesoregions, weak to medium in microregions and zero to weak in municipalities.


forest economy, biomass, regional competitiveness


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