Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Organic Residues and Bokashi Influence in the Growth of Alibertia edulis

Cleberton Correia Santos; Maria do Carmo Vieira; Néstor Antonio Heredia Zárate; Thiago de Oliveira Carnevali; Willian Vieira Gonçalves

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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of different organic residues and bokashi in the substrate formulation in the initial growth of marmelo-do-cerrado. The experiment was carried out in pots under shading (50%). The following organic residues were tested: poultry manure (PM) with rice husk base, PM with wood shavings base, Organosuper®, and castor bean meal, in a control with only soil. All treatments were assessed with and without bokashi. The experimental arrangement was a 5 × 2 factorial scheme in a randomized block design with four replicates and four plants. The greatest plant height was observed when the plants were cultivated in PM with rice husk base with bokashi. The pigment contents, photochemical efficiency, biomasses and quality of seedlings were highest in Organosuper® with bokashi. We recommend the use of Organosuper® and PM with rice husk base, both with bokashi, in the growth of marmelo-do-cerrado.


marmelo-do-cerrado, poultry manure, Organosuper®


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