Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Edaphic Filters and Plant Colonization in a Mine Revegetated with Sewage Sludge

Alexander Balduíno; Rodrigo Corrêa; Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz; Roberta Chacon; José Roberto Rodrigues Pinto

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ABSTRACT: We evaluated the recruitment of plant species and their relation with edaphic attributes in a mine revegetated with sewage sludge in the Brazilian Federal District. Plant species in the revegetated mine and in remaining portions of Cerrado (savanna) within the mined landscape were sampled and identified. Then, samples of revegetated substrate and soils from Cerrado portions were collected, analyzed for chemical attributes and submitted to statistical tests. Results indicated that the remaining portions of Cerrado were colonized by 91 species (22% allochthonous species), and the revegetated substrate housed 62 species (55% allochthonous species). Multivariate tests showed that the edaphic condition built from the incorporation of sewage sludge into the mining substrate acted as filter on the assemblage of plant species. Despite the two study sites shared the same landscape, the Cerrado portions and the revegetated substrate did not share similar plant communities after a decade from mine rehabilitation works.


plant recruitment, ecological restoration, biosolids, Cerrado


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