Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Edaphic Drivers of Community Structure and Composition in a Mixed Ombrophilous Forest

Juliano Cordeiro; Victor Pereira Zwiener; Gustavo Ribas Curcio; Carlos Vellozo Roderjan

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Abstract: This study sought to assess the variation in species composition and community structure considering soil characteristics. Based on physical and chemical analyses of soil, we selected four sites for vegetation sampling: Haplic Cambisol (P1), Regolithic Neosol (P2), Latosol Bruno (P3) and Humic Cambisol (P4). In each site, we sampled all arboreal individuals with DBH ≥ 4.8 cm. Sites were distinguished by species with different values of importance and indicator index (indVal). Sites were clearly separated in biplots generated by canonical ordination (RDA), which indicated that the distribution of species correlates with acidity, Al+, C and P concentrations, CEC, pH, base saturation, drainage, and pedological unit. Our results show that local scale variation in soil attributes influences tree species composition and community structure, and, thus, should be considered for understanding the distribution, occupation, and response of tree species in remnants of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest.


Atlantic Forest, environmental gradients, forest inventory, multivariate analysis, soil-vegetation relationship


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