Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Forest Restoration in the State of Rio De Janeiro: Adherence to Legislation

Ciro José Ribeiro de Moura; Henrique Seixas Barros; Flavio Dias Wanderley Valente; Victor Abreu Araújo; Julia Kishida Bochner

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ABSTRACT: This study evaluated forest restoration projects filed at the state environmental agency of Rio de Janeiro (Inea), regarding the requirements contained in the Resolution Nº 36/2011. Legal, technical, environmental and ecological parameters of 65 restoration projects in the design and implementation phases were analyzed. Only 29% of the projects met the requirements of Resolution Nº 36/2011. The low compliance with the requirements of the resolution evidences the lack of knowledge of the current regulations in the state of Rio de Janeiro by the technical users of the system. This condition implies a longer time of environmental licensing. Recently, Inea has revoked Res. Nº 36/2011 through Res. Nº 143/2017, which, in addition to simplifying the presentation of restoration projects, gave rise to the State System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Forest Restoration – SEMAR.


forest restoration, PRAD, Inea Resolution Nº 36/2011, Inea Resolution Nº 143/2017


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