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Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Vegetation Recovery of Logged-over Dipterocarp Forests In Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Prijanto Pamoengkas; Ayi Zamzam; Aji Dwisutono

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ABSTRACT: Forest utilization usually has an impact on changes in forest structure and species composition. The species of trees selected and ecosystem management system that refer to biodiversity characteristics will be explained by better knowledge of Functional Species Group (FSG). The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of vegetation recovery based on FSG in production forest managed with silvicultural system known as Selective Cutting and Line Planting System (SCLP) and undisturbed forest known as Germplasm Preservation Areas (GPCA) in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The results showed that the proportion of climax group in the entire observation plots was greater than pioneer species group, i.e. climax 100 species and pioneer 59 species. Stand structure both climax and pioneer species group has inverse J shape curve. It means that the species composition of logged-over forest is still in balance condition, characterized with high index of diversity (H' > 3).


functional species group, selective cutting, species composition, stand structure, biodiversity


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