Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Evaluation of the Plant Necromass Component: Methodological Approaches and Estimates in Atlantic Forest, Northeast Brazil

Nathan Castro Fonsêca; Isabelle Maria Jacqueline Meunier; Ana Carolina Borges Lins e Silva

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ABSTRACT: Necromass is a crucial component for the forest structure. However, there are few studies of necromass quantification in tropical rainforests and lack of efficient sampling methods. This research aimed at verifying the accuracy and effectiveness of sampling methods (Line-intersect sampling - LIS versus fixed area plots - FA) for the estimation of necromass in a tropical rainforest. The accuracy and efficiency of the methods were evaluated through descriptive statistics, paired t-test, ANOVA and relative efficiency. LIS method was more accurate and efficient, but it requires high sampling to meet sample error of 15%. Necromass at the forest fragment studied accounted for about 12.28% of the tree biomass. These findings show the importance of this compartment inclusion when quantifying carbon stocks in humid tropical forests, which acts as a true reservoir of carbon.


sampling, fixed area, fallen dead wood, transect


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