FLORAM receives Impact Factor

We are pleased to announce that FLORAM has received its first impact factor rating in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

Now FLORAM has the highest impact factor among Brazilian Forest Sciences journals.

Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Products

Rendimento no Desdobro de Toras de Itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) e Tauari (Couratari guianensis) Segundo a Classificação da Qualidade da Tora

Yield of Itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and Tauarí (Couratari guianensis) Logs Sawmill According to Log Quality Classification

Garcia, Felipe Manente; Manfio, Daniel Rubert; Sansígolo, Claudio Angeli; Magalhães, Patricia Amanda D.

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A madeira, ao ser processada e transformada, gera resíduos, culminando com um desperdício considerável de matéria-prima, o que não agrega o devido valor a um material considerado tão nobre. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação do rendimento de madeira serrada das espécies itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) e tauari (Couratari guianensis). Para o experimento, foram classificados e calculados a volumetria e o percentual de rendimento para três toras de cada espécie. O tauari resultou em um rendimento para as toras 1, 2 e 3 de 50,28%, 49,70% e 39,20%, respectivamente, e com a Itaúba, obtiveram-se os resultados de rendimento para as toras 1, 2 e 3 de 51,03%, 50,29% e 47,60%, respectivamente.


desdobro, rendimento, classificação


Residues generated from wood processing and transformation result in a considerable waste of raw material, which adds no value to such noble good. The purpose of this study was to determine the yield of sawn timber from Itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and Tauarí (Couratari guianensis) species. To this end, the volumetry and yield percentage of three logs from each species were classified and calculated. The Tauarí species resulted in yields for logs 1, 2 and 3, of 49.70% to 50.28% 39.20%, respectively; while for the Itaúba species, the yields for logs 1, 2 and 3 were of 51.03%; 50.29%; and 47.60%, respectively. It was not possible to verify whether the classification of log quality have influenced the yield.


sawmill, yield, classification
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