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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Adaptation to Climate Change in Coffee Production Systems in Tolima

Diana Canal-Daza; Hernán Andrade-Castañeda

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ABSTRACT: It was estimated the climate change adaptation of the main coffee production systems in Líbano, Tolima, Colombia, using diversity indicators. Three production systems were selected: agroforestry systems (AFS) with Cordia alliodora, AFS with plantain and in monoculture, with four replications, locating five sampling units to collect and identify the ant genera as diversity and adaptation indicators. The richness index of Margalef detected between systems (1.3 vs 0.6 vs 0.6 for AFS with C. alliodora, monoculure and AFS with plantain, respectively). The genera Cephalotes, Dorymyrmex, Hypoponera, Pachycondyla, Octostruma and Proceratium, which require abundant biomass and litter, were registered just in AFS with C. alliodora, coinciding with the depth of this layer. The AFS with C. alliodora present advantages due they improve conditions for the conservation of several groups of ants, which are indicators of diversity and climate change adaptation.


diversity, litter, ants, agroforestry systems


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