Anthropogenic Disturbances Affect the Relationship Between Spectral Indices and the Biometric Variables of Brazilian Savannas
Eduarda Martiniano de Oliveira Silveira; Fausto Weimar Acerbi Júnior; Sérgio Teixeira Silva; José Márcio de Mello
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R Core Team.
Reis AA, Mello JM, Acerbi-Júnior FW, Carvalho LMT. Estratificação em Cerrado
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Scolforo HF, Scolforo JRS, Mello CR, Mello JM, Ferraz AC Fo. Spatial distribution of aboveground carbon stock of the arboreal vegetation in Brazilian biomes of Savanna, Atlantic Forest and Semi-Arid Woodland.
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Silveira EMO, Bueno IT, Acerbi-Junior FW, Mello JM, Scolforo JRS, Wulder MA. Using spatial features to reduce the impact of seasonality for detecting tropical forest changes from Landsat time series.
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Silveira EMO, Mello JM, Acerbi-Júnior FW, Carvalho LMT. Object-based land-cover change detection applied to Brazilian seasonal Savannahs using geostatistical features.
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