Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Wood Science and Technology

Schizolobium Parahyba var. Amazonicum Glulam Classified by Non-destructive Tests

Talitha Oliveira Rosa; Rodrigo Figueiredo Terezo; Polliana D’Angelo Rios; Jean Alberto Sampietro; Gabriel Oliveira Rosa

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ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relationship between the density and the EW (modulus of elasticity) values obtained by two non-destructive methods: the accuracy of an expeditious method using a graduated ruler; and the homogenization of elasticity between the methods for glulam elements. In the analysis, displacements were measured with a graduated ruler and an automatic data acquisition system of 136 glulam pieces with corresponding structural size was used. The methods were evaluated by correlations, and the homogenization of elasticity was evaluated by the Tukey test. We found that density does not influence the EW values obtained by the studied methods, and it is concluded that an expeditious method using a graduated ruler can be used to determine EW by applying a corrected equation.


planted forest timber, paricá, modulus of elasticity, glulam


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