Floresta e Ambiente
Volume 16, Issue 2, 2009
16(2), 2009
Original Article
vol.16 n2, 1-7 Properties of two synthetic resins after addition of Modified tannin
Gonçalves, Fabricio Gomes; Lelis, Roberto Carlos C.
Original Article
vol.16 n2, 20-29 Attenuation of the lignification process by 2,4-D in Eucalyptus urophylla cell suspension
Borges, Kelly Carla A. de S.. de; Borges, Kelly Carla de S.; Abreu, Heber dos Santos; Maeda, Jorge Mitiyo; Deus, Deisiane Amaral de; Porto, Bruno Henrique C.; Chalita, Daniel Bastos
Original Article
vol.16 n2, 30-39 Tannin contents in the bark of four pinus species
Ferreira, Erika da Silva; Lelis, Roberto Carlos C.; Brito, Edvá Oliveira; Nascimento, Alexandre Miguel do; Maia, José Luiz da S.
Original Article
vol.16 n2, 40-48 Forest certification and final consumer: a study in the furniture industrial park of Ubá, MG
Alves, Ricardo Ribeiro; Jacovine, Laércio Antonio G.; Pires, Vanessa Apda. V.; Cyrillo, Fabricia Souza; Albino, Andreia Apda.
Original Article